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Class - Plague Doctor Crack

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Class Skill(s): An oracle with the plague mystery adds Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), and Stealth to her list of class skills. Bonus Spells: ray of sickness (2nd), pox pustules (4th), fungal infestation (6th), fleshworm infestation (8th), insect plague (10th), greater contagion (12th), plague storm (14th), symbol of death (16th), cursed. DIY Steampunk Plague Doctor Mask and Pattern. How to make it from craft foam! - Duration: 8:15. Lost Wax Recommended for you. Plague Doctor is a Zombie in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Crazy class. He costs 2 to play and has 3 and 2. He has no traits and his ability is to do 2 damage to another zombie when he is played, and to give +3/+2 to that zombie if it survives. 1 Origins 2 Statistics 2.1 Card description 3 Strategies 3.1 With 3.2 Against 4 Gallery 5 Trivia 6 External link He is based on a. Plague Doctor Plague Doctors differ from other clerics in that they do not rely as heavily on the powers of the goddesses. Plague Doctors make use of scientific studies in order to treat illness and because of this, they have remained in the shadows, as the blessings of the goddesses was enough to cure any illness prior to Medzio Diena. A plague doctor was a physician who treated victims of the bubonic plague. In times of epidemics, these physicians were specifically hired by towns where the plague had taken hold.Since the city was paying them a salary, they treated everyone, wealthy or poor. However, some plague doctors were known to charge patients and their families additional fees for special treatments or false cures.

  1. Class - Plague Doctor Crackhead
  2. Plague Doctors Masks
  3. Plague Doctor Costume
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  6. Plague Doctor Authentic
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Random and devastating—striking down young and old, poor and rich—disease is the providence of the divine. Pestilence courses through your flesh, and the living wither at your touch. Through suffering and pain, you pierce the veils of mundane reality to reveal the transcendental truth: All creatures must die.


Class Skill(s): An oracle with the plague mystery adds Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), and Stealth to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: ray of sickness (2nd), pox pustules (4th), fungal infestation (6th), fleshworm infestation (8th), insect plague (10th), greater contagion (12th), plague storm (14th), symbol of death (16th), cursed earth (18th).

Revelations: An oracle with the plague mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Black Winds (Su)

Once per day, you can spew forth the foul air of pestilence in a 30-ft. cone. This acts as gust of wind. Creatures in the area must also make a successful Fortitude save or contract red ache with an immediate onset rather than 1d3 days. The save DC of the disease equals 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. You may use this ability twice per day at 9th level and three times per day at 15th level.

Boils and Pustules (Sp)

You may make a melee touch attack that causes a creature’s flesh to erupt with painful, oozing sores. This deals 1d6 + 1 hp damage for every 2 oracles levels you possess. Half of this damage is acid damage. You may use boils and pustules a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, the creature is also sickened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

Carrier (Ex)

Your successful melee touch attack infects a creature with filth fever. You may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The onset of this disease is immediate rather than 1d3 days. Whenever you make a successful save against a disease, you may replace filth fever with that disease and infect targets with melee touch attacks.

Corrupt Food and Water (Su)

With a touch, you can infect a day’s rations or a flask of liquid with filth fever.

Creatures consuming the food or drink must make a Fortitude save or contract the disease. You may do this once per day for every 4 oracle levels you possess (minimum 1). At 5th level, a creature infected this way also spreads the disease as per the epidemic spell.

Living Infection (Su)

Once per day, you may turn into a diseased vapor as the gaseous form spell. This condition lasts for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level.

While in this form, you may move into the square of another creature and attempt to infect it with filth fever with an immediate onset rather than 1d3 days. The Fort DC to resist this disease is equal to 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, you may attempt to inhabit the body of a creature instead of giving it filth fever. To do so, you must enter the target’s square as a gaseous, living infection. If your target fails a Fortitude save, you infect the victim. On your turn, the target takes 1d6+1 Constitution damage each round you are in its body. It can make a Fortitude save each round to attempt to expel you.

Plague Doctors Masks

While inside the victim, you cannot be attacked or affected by special abilities or spells, but cure disease forces you to make a Will save. A failed save expels you from the victim. When expelled, you enter an empty square adjacent to the victim or the nearest empty square, whichever is closer.

Master of Plagues (Sp)
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Home >Classes >Base Classes >Oracle >Mysteries >Oracle Mysteries – Kobold Press >


Random and devastating—striking down young and old, poor and rich—disease is the providence of the divine. Pestilence courses through your flesh, and the living wither at your touch. Through suffering and pain, you pierce the veils of mundane reality to reveal the transcendental truth: All creatures must die.

Class Skill(s): An oracle with the plague mystery adds Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), and Stealth to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: ray of sickness (2nd), pox pustules (4th), fungal infestation (6th), fleshworm infestation (8th), insect plague (10th), greater contagion (12th), plague storm (14th), symbol of death (16th), cursed earth (18th).

Revelations: An oracle with the plague mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Black Winds (Su)

Once per day, you can spew forth the foul air of pestilence in a 30-ft. cone. This acts as gust of wind. Creatures in the area must also make a successful Fortitude save or contract red ache with an immediate onset rather than 1d3 days. The save DC of the disease equals 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. You may use this ability twice per day at 9th level and three times per day at 15th level.

Boils and Pustules (Sp)

You may make a melee touch attack that causes a creature’s flesh to erupt with painful, oozing sores. This deals 1d6 + 1 hp damage for every 2 oracles levels you possess. Half of this damage is acid damage. You may use boils and pustules a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, the creature is also sickened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

Carrier (Ex)

Your successful melee touch attack infects a creature with filth fever. You may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The onset of this disease is immediate rather than 1d3 days. Whenever you make a successful save against a disease, you may replace filth fever with that disease and infect targets with melee touch attacks.

Corrupt Food and Water (Su)

With a touch, you can infect a day’s rations or a flask of liquid with filth fever.

Creatures consuming the food or drink must make a Fortitude save or contract the disease. You may do this once per day for every 4 oracle levels you possess (minimum 1). At 5th level, a creature infected this way also spreads the disease as per the epidemic spell.

Living Infection (Su)

Once per day, you may turn into a diseased vapor as the gaseous form spell. This condition lasts for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level.

While in this form, you may move into the square of another creature and attempt to infect it with filth fever with an immediate onset rather than 1d3 days. The Fort DC to resist this disease is equal to 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, you may attempt to inhabit the body of a creature instead of giving it filth fever. To do so, you must enter the target’s square as a gaseous, living infection. If your target fails a Fortitude save, you infect the victim. On your turn, the target takes 1d6+1 Constitution damage each round you are in its body. It can make a Fortitude save each round to attempt to expel you.

Plague Doctors Masks

While inside the victim, you cannot be attacked or affected by special abilities or spells, but cure disease forces you to make a Will save. A failed save expels you from the victim. When expelled, you enter an empty square adjacent to the victim or the nearest empty square, whichever is closer.

Master of Plagues (Sp)

You gain a +4 bonus to Heal checks to treat disease. At 5th level, you may cast cure disease once per day for every 5 oracle levels you possess. When you cure a creature of disease either through the Heal skill or cure disease, the target immediately regains 1d3 ability damage that the infection caused. If more than one ability score is damaged, assign these regained points to a random damaged score.

Carrion Wings (Su)

As a swift action, you sprout a pair of black, feathery wings that smell of carrion. The wings grant you a fly speed of 60 ft. with average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 min. per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-min. increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.

Plague Bearers (Su)

When you summon a vermin creature with a summoning spell, you summon one extra creature of that type. In case of summon swarm, you summon one additional swarm. These creatures carry filth fever and infect other creatures they damage. The save DC for the disease is 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier.

Smite Living (Sp)

As a standard action once per day, you may bring down sudden death upon a single creature within 60 ft. of you. The ability otherwise acts as finger of death. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation. This is a disease effect.

Final Revelation: You become the bearer of plague and sickness. You are immune to disease, including magical disease. Creatures infected with disease that come within 30 ft. of you take damage as if they had failed a save against that disease and also automatically fail their next save against the infection. Once per day, you may exude an aura of pestilence up to 100 ft. This area receives all effects of a cursed earth spell.

Deep Magic. © 2014 Open Design LLC. Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Tom Benton, Creighton Broadhurst, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Charles Lee Carrier, Tim Connors, Adam Daigle, Jonathan Drain, Mike Franke, Ed Greenwood, Frank Gori, Jim Groves, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Sam Harris, Brandon Hodge, Phillip Larwood, Jeff Lee, John Ling, Jr., Chris Lozaga, Ben McFarland, Nicholas Milasich, Carlos Ovalle, Richard Pett, Marc Radle, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Wade Rockett, Stephen Rowe, Adam Roy, Amber E. Scott, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C. Stephens, Joshua Stevens, Christina Stiles, Matt Stinson, Stefen Styrsky, Dan Voyce, and Mike Welham.

Plague Doctor Costume

Item #: SCP-049 / SCP Plague Doctor

Object Class: Euclid

Description of the Subject: SCP-049 has a humanoid appearance and stands at 1.9m tall with a weight of 95.3kg. Its face is covered with the traditional Plague Doctor mask from the 15-16th century. For this reason, the Foundation was not able to study its face closely. The material of the mask seems to be similar in composition to that of its body. It feels like rough leather, but looks more like ceramic The police discovered the SCP Plague Doctor in ██████, England.

SCP Plague Doctor – He Will Cure You Class - Plague Doctor Cracked

The subject is very docile, at least until it tries to perform surgery. Its touch is lethal to humans, victims dying within minutes of touching the Doctor’s hands. The SCP Plague Doctor can produce a bag with needle, thread, scalpels and vials of an unknown substance. No one knows where the bag comes from, because it does not show up on X-rays.

But what does he do with them?

Class - Plague Doctor Cracking

What the subject claims to do is to cure people of the plague that is threatening them. There is still much debate on what he cures, exactly. One theory is that he tries to return humans to their original state, whatever that is. SCP 049 remembers what life was like before, and tries to restore it. Some people believe that color itself is an SCP that plagues society. People have no way of knowing whether things were in color back then since all pictures and video were black or white.

Plague Doctor Authentic

Another theory says that it could refer to either stupidity or compassion. After surgery, the victim will wander aimlessly, without any indication of higher brain functions. When it encounters another human it will try to kill it before returning to its mindless state. Due to this, the theory about compassion seems more viable.

Special Containment Procedures: the SCP Plague Doctor needs to be contained in a secure cell and only Level Two or higher personnel can remove him. Before this, the subject has to be sedated. When out of the cell, two armed guards will accompany SCP-049, while he wears an iron collar secured with two iron poles.

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